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Andy's picture

Gear 2D Prototype

gear2d prototype

Following the circle involute blog, I thought about creating a gear procedure for easy creation of different gears. The method used is quite differnt to the involute idea but the turtle geometry way of thinking and doing the gears. This prototype procedure utilised a simple regular poygon formula (repeat :sides [ fd 1 rt 360/:sides ]) and some built-in commands such as TOWARD and SETHEADING to rotate the turtle and get the directions needed.

Andy's picture

Palm Tree Leaf

Palm tree leaf

Outsite my office window, there are many palm trees. I thought about making one so it may be reused later to make a full tree.

aplesch's picture

circle involute

As part of a project to make a nice gear mesh with logo, I wondered how to generate the involute of a circle.

aplesch's picture

Flying Boxes

A surprise happened when I was trying to use nested transforms.

aplesch's picture

A paper dragon

a dragon


The dragon curve is a fractal which is defined by replacing a segment of the curve with a (smaller) version of itself.