Earth and Space

Andy's picture

The Sun and Earth model

Most of us may know that the distance between the Sun and the Earth is one AU (Astronomical Unit: 150,000,000 km). However, due to the various online solar system images, many of us are not clear about how the Earth and Sun look like in space in the actaul scale. The VRMath2 Editor is a 3D modelling application, and is capable of modelling our solar system. Therefore, I did an experiment in modelling the Earth and Sun using actual parameters. The results are not as good as I expected, but they do make me appreciate the awe of the solar system, and the difficulties in modelling and comprehending the science of our solar system.

gclem11's picture

Potassium Atom

Potassium Atom Model

Grace Clemens

masrur's picture

Methane Molecule


sleun12's picture


Lithium Atom Model
All the objects that surround us in our lives are made of extremely small particles invisible to the naked eye.
Andy's picture

Interactive Earth Cross Section

Earth Cross Section 2

This is a slightly improve Earth Cross Section model of the previous one, with added animation and some interaction. Previously, the focus was on using VRMath2 Editor to construct the model. This time, the focus is on the learning about the Earth's geo structure. This is one of the main purpose of VRMath2 as a learning community for all to create, share, discuss and learn.

Andy's picture

Earth Cross Section

Earth Cross Section

In the X3DOM mailing list, there was a discussion about constructing solid geometry. One application of solid geometry is to model the cross section of Earth. Unfortunately, solid geometry is not supported in X3DOM. However, the cross section can be achieved by using other geometry available in X3DOM. Here is an example.

roobschoobs37's picture

yeah dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my edited one of my previous star.

Andy's picture

Sundial simulation


Some weeks ago, I have implemented the lighting components in VRMath2 Editor. There are three different lights: point light, directional light, and spotlight. In this blog, I am using the directional light to simulate the sunlight for casting a shadow on a sundial.