
Andy's picture

Light with switch

Light with switch

After much thinking and planning, I have finally implemented an initial behaviour framework. Behaviour is different to animation. But it may also have effect of animation. In this blog, I have programmed a desk lamp -- a spotlight with a switch. You can click on the switch to switch on and off the light. When you do, you can also hear a switch sound, so have your speakers turned on to enjoy the virtual simulation of light, shadow and sound.

Andy's picture

Virtual Art Gallery

Virtual Art Gallery

Ever wanted to have your own Art Gallery? Well, you can create your own in VRMath2 Editor and share on VRMath2 Community blog to your friend. After few hours of Design and Create, I am happy to share with you my first Gallery.

Andy's picture

Sundial simulation


Some weeks ago, I have implemented the lighting components in VRMath2 Editor. There are three different lights: point light, directional light, and spotlight. In this blog, I am using the directional light to simulate the sunlight for casting a shadow on a sundial.