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3D function with ElevationGrid

3D function

I have been thinking about 3D graphing using ElevationGrid for a while and finally got time to demonstrate here. Previously, I have blogged about 3D plotting and ElevationGrid, This blog is simply taking the same maths function f(x,z) = x*z^3-z*x^3 in the 3D plotting blog and apply to the ElevationGrid object.

Andy's picture

Analog clock

Analog clock

The TIMESENSOR of X3D is quite a complicated time mechanism to understand. As I have created some commands for easy animation, I thought that it would be interesting to test the TIMESENSOR with an analog clock.

Andy's picture

CSC Ice cream

Hello world, We found that the most popular flavour icecream for CSC is Vanilla flavour.

Andy's picture

Hypercube - Tesseract


The Tesseract has awaken....

I am always fascinated by the visualisation of 4th dimension or even n-th dimension in our 3D space. The 4th dimension here is not about time, but the beauty of the abstract geometrical dimensions that exist in the mathematical world.

Andy's picture

Helium atom

Helium atom

Since version 0.9.1 of VRMath2 Editor, animation has become quite easy. I have previously made a hydrogen atom and now I can't resist to create the second one in the periodic table, the helium atom.