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eryu2's picture

Nitrous Acid Molecule

A molecule is when two or more atoms join chemically; nitrous acid is one of many molecules. Nitrous acid, which its chemical formula is HNO2, is an unstable acid and only exists in solutions or nitrite salt. Interestingly, it is naturally produced by the Earth's atmosphere, and when it reacts with water (H2O) and nitric oxide (NO), it helps regulate ozone layer in the atmosphere, which is currently being damaged by human activities. If this acid comes in contact with human, it may affect respiratory health and cause irritation, as it is slightly toxic. In this blog, it will present: 3D model of the acid composition; structure and characteristics; further information and questions; intriguing ideas and difficulties found in programming; and links to the 3D model and logo program.

Bwalt66's picture

Hydrochloric Acid

Hydrochloric Acid planetary model with protons and neutrons

Everything contains atoms. Atoms are the basic units of matter and the defining structure of elements. Atoms are made up of three differently charged particles: positively charged protons, neutral neutrons and negatively charged electrons. Protons and neutrons are heavier than electrons and reside in the centre of the atom, called the nucleus.

mfang4's picture

Acetic acid molecule

There are millions of things that exist on Earth, all of which are formed by atoms which are basic building blocks of matter.Every atom contains its unique atomic composition as well as chemical and physical properties. They combine to form molecules and crystal lattices in the form of an element or compound. The different combination of microscopic atoms create different substances.

LAUREN's picture

A Neon Atom (Blog)

Chemistry and the idea of matter was first suggested by John Dalton in 1805 in his 'Atomic Theory' and over the century has been expanded on by many other scientists. Chemistry is the scientific category about substances of matter and their properties, compositions and the different reactions that take place when mixed together. Matter has a defined mass, takes up space and is composed of a mixture of elements. An element contains a group of only one type of atom. To identify elements refer to the periodic table which shows all elements with similar atomic structure and there atomic numbers. Atoms are the smallest parts that matter and elements can be divided into and are commonly known as the 'building blocks' of life. 


hbasn1's picture

Magnesium Atom

3D model of Magnesium

It is stated constantly that the various atoms making up the elements " are the building blocks of life", together forming almost all matter. Magnesium (Mg) is the ninth most common element on the periodic table and the eleventh most common element in the human body, by mass. In total, it is fairly abundant in the universe. It is an alkaline earth metal with an atomic number of 12 and atomic mass of 24.305. The structure of magnesium was modeled and constructed on VRmath, a 3D modeling software. This blog will cover the structure, composition and characteristics of magnesium, as constructed on VRmath, as well as any additional interesting facts.