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Knoblauch's picture



So, at first glance, this seemed like it would be quite difficult....

turns out, it only took 10 minutes, very simple to construct, only angles involved are 45 degrees (would likely be more difficult if trying to show the faces, rather than just the edges.

Knoblauch's picture

My first Icosahedron


Icosahedron is the last of the five Platonic solids. It consists of 20 regular triangular faces.

I am sure that there is a more efficient way to do this...

Andy's picture

12 Tables

12 tables

In this blog, I am trying to use an existing LOGO program in VRMath2 called table.logo, then see if I can create a couple of tables using repeat command.

Andy's picture

Recursive 2D fern leaf procedure

Blog project image

In my previous blog, I explained about a recursive tree procedure. Here is another one borrowed from Joshua's Logo Interpreter example: fern leaf procedure. This fern leaf procedure creates a 2D fern leaf in VRMath2's 3D space. You can examine it below in the 3D space with the LOGO program.

Andy's picture

Recursive 2D tree

Recursive 2D tree

One of the powerful abilities of LOGO programming language is its recursive execution of procedure. Recursive call of procedure means a procedure calls itself until an exiting condition is met. A recursive procedure can be very simple yet it can produce complex and beautiful mathematical graphics such as fractal images and naturally occurring objects.