
Tumi's picture


Dave's picture

Animated Atomic Model

Atomic Model

Here is my first attempt at a transforming model, I found it useful to give the centre a texture to conceptualise what was "spinning".  I have not yet worked out how to roll up and tilt right at the same time (moving both axis').

notyoda's picture


Water - training

Hello world.

Alistair's picture

Water Water Water

Water Molecule Example

This is my first blog about creating a water molecule using logo

Dave's picture

H2O experience


This is my first blog about my first design - a water molecule

vrmath's picture

My Water Molecule


This is mny first blog about a waster molecule.

Andy's picture

Oxygen atom

oxygen atom

This is a test blog. Oxygen is ....... an introduction here.

Atomic number...  

Andy's picture

VRBox world

VRBox world

Recently, I am working on a project about using VR CardBoard to view the 3D models or worlds created on VRMath2 website. So far, a prototype is avaiable for iPhone (tested on iPhone 6 only) capable of viewing most x3d files generated from VRMath2 Editor. However, there is no easy interface yet from it (mobile in CardBoard) to navigate x3d files. But there are three ways to start with.

Andy's picture

Copper Lattice

Copper Lattice

Copper is a metal element found in nature. Copper atoms can stick together forming large grid-like structures known as crystal lattice. I found a picture of copper lattice from a secondary school science textbook. The picture shows a simple grid structure so I quickly coded in VRMath2 Editor to produce the 3D model below. It is a small copper lattice structure in the outer space.

Andy's picture

CSC Ice cream

Hello world, We found that the most popular flavour icecream for CSC is Vanilla flavour.