
Knoblauch's picture



Octahedron is the third platonic solid. It consists of 8 faces (each is an equilateral triangle) and 6 vertices (each at the meeting of 4 faces).

Knoblauch's picture



The tetrahedron has the smallest number of faces in the five Platonic Solids, having only 4 faces. And in fact, four faces are the minimium requirement for a polyhedron. Other features of tetrahedron includes:

  • Each face is an equilaterial triangle
  • Each vertex is the meeting of 3 faces

Andy's picture

The infinite mobius space

Man walking in Mobius space

What if the world is a Mobius ring? Then would this man even walk to the end of the world?

A normal wrist band has inside and outside faces. If we cut the band, twist it 180 degrees then reconnect the band, then we have created a Mobius ring (or Mobius strip). A Mobius ring has only 1 face. You can observe the man walking continuously on the inside to outside, then inside, and outside again and again.....   

Knoblauch's picture




Platonic solids are polyhedron which satisfy 3 conditions

  1. all its faces are congruent convex regular polygons,
  2. none of its faces intersect except at their edges, and
  3. the same number of faces meet at each of its vertices


The most commonly recognised platonic solid, also known as a cube. 

xiezuoru's picture


Mobius ring

魔比斯环也称麦比乌斯圈。麦比乌斯圈(Möbius strip, Möbius band)是一种单侧、不可定向的曲面。因A.F.麦比乌斯(August Ferdinand Möbius, 1790-1868)发现而得名。将一个长方形纸条ABCD的一端AB固定,另一端DC扭转半周后,把AB和CD粘合在一起 ,得到的曲面就是麦比乌斯圈,也称麦比乌斯带。

Knoblauch's picture

An attempt at using recursion

Cayley graph

All of my projects to date have required step by step instructions (some upwards of 300 lines of code!), so I decided to have a go at working out how to create a recursive code. After studying "Cayley graph 3D" working out in my head how the code was constructed, I was finally able to start my own. The following is based on an image of 

Cayley Graph of the Free Product Z3 * Z5

After much trial and error I was able to develop ...

Knoblauch's picture

Snub dodecahedron

Snub dodecahedron

The Snub dodecahedron has 92 faces (12 pentagons, 80 equilateral triangles), 150 edges,  and 60 vertices.

Andy's picture

Cayley graph 3D

Cayley graph 3D

I was in the keynote session of AAMT conference. In the keynote, the mathematician Hanna Neumann was mentioned. I immediately googled and started reading about her on Wikipedia.

While reading, my thoughts are like the hyperlinks that go everywhere, then suddenly I saw and clicked into the Group theory, where I found the Cayley graph that caught my attention.

It is easily recognisable that this cayley graph is a fractal image, which can be produced with a simple recursive procedure in VRMath2's LOGO language.

Knoblauch's picture



So, at first glance, this seemed like it would be quite difficult....

turns out, it only took 10 minutes, very simple to construct, only angles involved are 45 degrees (would likely be more difficult if trying to show the faces, rather than just the edges.

Knoblauch's picture

My first Icosahedron


Icosahedron is the last of the five Platonic solids. It consists of 20 regular triangular faces.

I am sure that there is a more efficient way to do this...