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xiezuoru's picture

魔比斯环也称麦比乌斯圈。麦比乌斯圈(Möbius strip, Möbius band)是一种单侧、不可定向的曲面。因A.F.麦比乌斯(August Ferdinand Möbius, 1790-1868)发现而得名。将一个长方形纸条ABCD的一端AB固定,另一端DC扭转半周后,把AB和CD粘合在一起 ,得到的曲面就是麦比乌斯圈,也称麦比乌斯带。



Andy's picture


I like the idea of a virtual Möbius ring. I am thinking of doing one with planes instead of cylinders and balls. And maybe I can make a virtual man to walk on the Möbius ring.

Having the ring rotate exactly 360 degrees so it will connect. I am not sure how you did it, but I will study your programming codes later.  cool


Andy's picture

Mobius ring animated

Here is what I have done to explain more about the mobius ring. Enjoy! smiley
