
mathskid's picture

3D Pattern Genorator

Multi 2d shapes in 3d space

2d shapes in 3d space. I hope you like the cool patterns and the way you can change the model easily to fit your likeings.

TH209's picture

My First Creation

This is my first 3D creation using Logo. I hope you like it.yes

totta3's picture

Troys first logo

Troys first logo

This is my first 2d or 3d (not sure) shape i hope you like it. (: (: (: (:

135689's picture


This is my first 2D creation! ! It is random but cool!!!!! I hope you like it!!

Void Dragon's picture

Amazing shape

This is my first creation of 3D virtual world. I hope you enjoy it!   laugh
stampylongnose's picture


This is my first 3D world.Hpoe you like it.smileywinklaughcoolyesenlightened

A974's picture

A 3D geometric shape

cool 3D shape

This is my first creation of a 3D world. I hope you love it.

Andy's picture

Rotating ElevationGrid

Rotating ElevationGrid

Someone asked about an ElevationGrid rotating about its center in the X3DOM User Mailling List, so I created this one using VRMath2 Editor to demonstrate that it is quite easy to create one. The idea in this demo is to have the center of ElevationGrid at 0,0,0 then move the ElevationGrid into an empty Transform node. The OrientationInterpolator is then applied on to the outer Transform node.

Andy's picture

Music Box

music box

The music box was created a while ago to test the behaviour framework. I have been busy teaching and marking these days. Thought I should write a blog then resume marking......

Andy's picture

3D Graphing

3D Plot

There are many 3D visualisation software for mathematics. Most of them allow easy input of a function to create a 3D graph. VRMath2 also allows creation of 3D graphs. It may not be so easy if compared to other software. But I think that VRMath2 is better for learning because it provides more opportunities for construction throught programing. I call this the power of "Programming driven 3D modelling and visualisation".