
eryu2's picture

Nitrous Acid Molecule

A molecule is when two or more atoms join chemically; nitrous acid is one of many molecules. Nitrous acid, which its chemical formula is HNO2, is an unstable acid and only exists in solutions or nitrite salt. Interestingly, it is naturally produced by the Earth's atmosphere, and when it reacts with water (H2O) and nitric oxide (NO), it helps regulate ozone layer in the atmosphere, which is currently being damaged by human activities. If this acid comes in contact with human, it may affect respiratory health and cause irritation, as it is slightly toxic. In this blog, it will present: 3D model of the acid composition; structure and characteristics; further information and questions; intriguing ideas and difficulties found in programming; and links to the 3D model and logo program.

navdha.kumar's picture

Aluminium Blog


My partner and I decided to investigate the atom ‘Aluminium’ and proceeded to research about. Through our research, we found that aluminium is a chemical element in the boron group with the symbol Al and atomic number of 13. It is a silvery-white, light-weight metal that is soft and malleable (Royal Society of Chemistry). Aluminium is the third most plentiful element in the earth’s crust, comprising 8% of the planet’s soil and rocks (Lenntech). In nature, aluminium is found only in chemical compounds with other elements such as sulphur, silicon and oxygen, however pure metallic aluminium can be economically produced from aluminium oxide ore or extracted from bauxite by electrolysis (Australian Government – Geoscience Australia). There are several uses of this metal including packaging materials such as foil and cans as well as the construction of transport i.e. automobiles, aircraft fuselages etc. (HowItsMade).

mng17's picture

Nitrogen Millie Ng


Alei5's picture

FINAL Methane Blog by Anna Lei (ASC092A)

Methane 3D Model by Anna Lei

The compound methane has the chemical formula of CH4. Methane is the simplest hydrocarbon of the paraffin series and a potent greenhouse gas, as well as being a large component of natural gas. The major human-associated source of methane is the production/combustion of coal (Britannica, 2016). In nature, methane is the product of anaerobic bacterial decomposition and certain human/animal activities (7% methane in flatulence). It can be found in wetlands, termites, landfills, volcanoes and oceans. The abundance of methane makes it a widely used fuel for heat and light (energy) production (ARM, 2016). In this blog, the details of methane will be uncovered.

Abern26's picture

Neon Atom

Image: a neon atom with its protons, neutrons and electrons

The atom being researched is Neon. It is the 10th element in the Periodic Table. It was discovered in 1898 by William Ramsay and Morris Travers at Universiity College London. The name comes from the Greeek 'Neos,' meaning 'new'. It is a rare gaseous element that, when in a vacuum discharge tube, emits a reddish-orange glow. 

rliu11's picture

Ammonia by Raymond Liu Version 2 (Final)

Ammonia, also known as NH3, is a basic chemical compound that is a molecule made up of three hydrogen atoms and one nitrogen atom.
__hirunii__'s picture


Neon Atom

Did you ever wonder what lit up those 'OPEN' signs when you passed the billions of restaurants and stores? The answer can be summed up using one word. Neon.

Chan's picture

Silicon Atom

3D model of a silicon atom

My partner and I have decided to research and create a 3D model of the element silicon. Silicon is an element present in the periodic table, possessing the atomic number of 14. Its atomic mass number is 28.085 and its state at room temperature is solid. It is known to be the "seventh most abundant element in the universe and the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust" (Gagnon, S., n.d.). Silicon has various uses including improving the strength of aluminium alloys, helping the operation of electronic products in the form of chips and being the main material that solar panels are made of (SIMCOA, n.d.). Most silicon on earth is found in the crust as sand, quartz and rock crystals among others. The discovery of silicon is credited to Swedish chemist Jöns Jacob Berzelius in 1824. He heated chips of potassium in a silica container then washed away the byproducts. 

arobb38's picture

Phosphorus blog

An example of a phosphorus atom


The following post will be about the element phosphorus and its various properties and uses. It is a very complex atom, with a large number of electrons, protons, and neutrons making it up. Its symbol on the periodic table is P and has an atomic mass of 15. It is found in two main forms: White phosphorus and red phosphorus. It is not found free in nature because it is a highly reactive element.
jeanetteh's picture

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a non-flammable colourless liquid with a sharp odour (National Centre for Biotechnology Information, 2016).