
TH209's picture

My First Creation

This is my first 3D creation using Logo. I hope you like it.yes

Random Ness's picture

my first world

*insert random shapes here*

This is my first 3D world. I hope you like it

totta3's picture

Troys first logo

Troys first logo

This is my first 2d or 3d (not sure) shape i hope you like it. (: (: (: (:

135689's picture


This is my first 2D creation! ! It is random but cool!!!!! I hope you like it!!

Void Dragon's picture

Amazing shape

This is my first creation of 3D virtual world. I hope you enjoy it!   laugh
stampylongnose's picture


This is my first 3D world.Hpoe you like it.smileywinklaughcoolyesenlightened

Alex's picture

my world that andy taught me how to make

 this is my visual world made out of 2D shapes put in 3D space i hope you enjoy playing I know I enjoyed making it. Hope you like itcheeky

A974's picture

A 3D geometric shape

cool 3D shape

This is my first creation of a 3D world. I hope you love it.

Andy's picture

Rotating ElevationGrid

Rotating ElevationGrid

Someone asked about an ElevationGrid rotating about its center in the X3DOM User Mailling List, so I created this one using VRMath2 Editor to demonstrate that it is quite easy to create one. The idea in this demo is to have the center of ElevationGrid at 0,0,0 then move the ElevationGrid into an empty Transform node. The OrientationInterpolator is then applied on to the outer Transform node.

Andy's picture

Linnmom Adils Table

Linnmom Adils Table

It has been a while that I have not looked into the Furniture Visualisation Challenge.  I have been reading a thesis and thought that I should take a break to play with creating 3D virtual world. I am getting better and better at creating a table, but perhaps I picked an easy one, so it only took me some 10 minutes or so to write a Logo program to create this LINNMON/ADILS table.