VRMath 2.0 (VRMath2) is an online learning community for geometry, mathematics, programming, 3D graphics design (involving the arts), science, technology, and engineering. The potential users of VRMath2 are students, teachers, education researchers, mathematicians, programmers, 3D graphics designers and the general publics.
By registering to become a member of the VRMath2 community, you agree to the following member guidelines:
All members should have appropriate Netiquette, when interact with other members in VRMath2.
All activities in VRMath2 community should be education oriented.
No commercial or advertising activities are allowed in VRMath2.
Illegal file sharing and hacking are prohibited in VRMath2.
The Webmaster reserves the right to cancel accounts and remove contents for wrong doings of activities in guidelines 3 and 4.
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