Logo Editor window
Logo Editor Window
The first option under the title represented by the paper and pencil is to start a new Logo program (all defined procedures removed), the next option is the folder with the green arrow which allows you to open an existing Logo program, the next option represented by the floppy disk saves the current Logo program. The blue arrow curving to the left undos the last action, while the blue arrow curve pointing to the right redos it. The paper with the red cross on it clears the Logo editor though defined procedures are not removed. The next two options are to insert a material setting for the option with the blue ball, and insert image texture settings is the option to the right of the two without the blue ball. The last three options are represented by film clappers, the first clapper runs/executes the current line (step), the second clapper runs/executes the current selection, the last option runs / executes the current Logo program.
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