Virtual Robotic Arm Experiment

By Andy Yeh (


Robotic arms are a very important engineering innovation in many industries due to their accurate movement, versaltile operations and 24/7 persistent/tiredless working ethics. There are many different designs of robotic arms. Below is a simplified 4 degrees of freedom (DOF) design, well, maybe 3 DOF as the wrist does not actually have any effect on the tip point (usually a claw, but simplified as a tip point in this virtual experiment). This virtual robotic arm has the following parameters.
Coordinate: Base (0,0,0) | Shoulder (0,0.3,0) | Elbow (0,1.3,0) | Wrist (0,2.3,0) | Tip (0,2.85,0)
Distance : Upper arm length (shoulder to elbow): 1 | Lower arm to Tip length (elbow to tip): 1.55
Please have a play below to know how to control the robotic arm. When ready, start the tasks to engage your STEM thinking.


Base: °
Shoulder: °
Elbow: °
Wrist: °
Coordinate | Tasks


Elbow Centre: x: y: z:
Tip point: x: y: z:


Please click on each task to open and complete by the task order.

Task 1

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Task 2

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Task 3

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